
Our basic style is to establish close communication with our customers so that we can propose and develop equipment that really meets their needs.
We develop tools on the basis of a good understanding of what it takes to accomplish excellent materials processing.
The types of equipment we have developed now number in the range of a million, and this number is still increasing.
As long as our customers are still standing, Fujikiko will continue to support them.

The research and development we conduct, and the technical innovations we introduce, are the result of taking a broad view of the question, "What can we do for our customers?" We ask for your continued support in the future.

Kazumasa Shibasaki, Representative Director and President

We pursue the possibility of Manufacturing with ideas that "nothing else has".

FUJIKIKO Co., Ltd. has developed many universal dies with ideas which is safe and effective for forming process and easy to use since it inception in 1973. Our product groups contain more than 300 types to meet the processing needs of many industrial fields.

Capitalizing on our direct sales advantage, we deliver products to more than 10,000 customers. A general manufacturer of metal processing machines.

Fujikiko has developed a wide range of equipment by applying the know-how and advanced techno!ogies that we have invented using our universal die manufacturing technologies. For more than 30 years. we have been supplying valuable products that bring profit to our customers, backed by our experience and technology developed to craft manufacturing tools.


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