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  • Ram supported by linear guides
  • Precisely perpendicular stroke
  • suitable for dies whose upper and lower part are separate



Product Specifications

Type Units SSP-1525Ⅱ SSP-1540Ⅱ SSP-3025Ⅱ SSP-3040Ⅱ
Pressurization KN(ton) 150(15) 300(30)
Frame gap mm 250 400 250 400
Stroke 75
Open height 210 270
Downward speed mm/sec 21 26
Upward speed 45 57
Pump electricity usage kw 3-phase 200V 2.2 3-phase 200V 5.5
Oil quantity used litre 20 25 80
Total weight kg 525 800 1200 1500

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This turntable-format hydraulic press comes equipped with 12 programmable buttons that can memorize turntable positions and strokes. When you push the station button you want, the mold you want will be rotated into position and set within 15 seconds. This allows for work to be commenced immediately.

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